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614: The Rise of Raunchy Christians & Avoiding Civil War with Tracy McKenzie

Previously puritanical evangelicals are increasingly embracing profanity and lewd content. A recent New York Times article explores possible explanations ranging from politics and the culture wars, to the internet and the decline of churches. Also, fewer people are reading books, and that’s a challenge for Christian traditions rooted in literacy, education, and the Bible. How do we make disciples in a post-literate culture? Then, more people are comparing our divisive culture to America just before the Civil War. Are we heading toward a national divorce—or worse? Historian Tracy McKenzie is back to share lessons and warnings from 19th century America. Plus, new developments as the turducken turns.

0:00 - Sponsor - Richmont Graduate University - Join a Christian mental health counseling program! Use referral code HOLYPOST at checkout to skip the application fee. Go to

0:37 - Intro

1:56 - Show Starts

3:10 - Theme Song

3:31- Sponsor - Hiya Health - Go to to receive 50% off your first order

4:36 - Stronger Men’s Conference Story Continued

14:46 - Raunchy Christians

23:23 - Children and Public Spaces

33:00 - Literacy and Discipleship

35:38 - Hearing vs. Reading the Bible

42:23 - Can Churches be the Antidote for a Lonely, Digital World?

51:13 - Integrating Technology and Scripture

55:17 - Sponsor - World Relief - Visit to download your family refugee guide and learn more about the Path Community

56:03 - Sponsor - Faithful Counseling - Get 10% off your first month at

57:03 - Interview

59:03 - Can We Compare Today and 1850?

1:03:21 - How Has Media Affected Current Politics?

1:15:16 - The Role of Conspiracy Theories

1:24:42 - Why Were We More Unified in the Past?

1:35:00 - End Credits

Links Mentioned in the News Segment:

John Lindell and Mark Driscoll

Biblical Literacy in a Postliterate Age

The Raunchy Christians Are Here

Other resources:

Holy Post website:

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May 05, 2024

Re: "Through the Bible in a year" and related issues

I think I understand the concern about the "read the Bible as a thing to do" and about the individualistic "I can understand whatever I need to myself." BUT--a caveat--

I was a faculty member at a Christian college for many years. Many, if not most, of our students had been in church since they were born. I was aghast at the lack of knowledge of Scripture. And when I would mention something I learned in my Quiet Time, I would find that students "didn't have time for that." Our institution posted testimonials referring to our "Christian atmosphere"--as if discipleship was something you could breathe in as you walked around…


May 01, 2024

I'm really thinking that the people in the media, etc., who are talking about the possibility of civil war may be talking about it because they think there's real reason to be concerned, not just for ratings or the like. I know I've been worried about it.


Apr 29, 2024

I notice that Skye, and many Evangelical thinkers I have read or listened to, will often talk about the negative effects of consumerism on American Christianity and the culture in general, but they seldom will talk about the political economy that underlies the consumerist mentality, global capitalism. Not to bring out the older hammer and sickle, but I am curious what the cast of the Holy Post thinks the role of experimenting with alternative economics (mutual aid, worker cooperatives, lean economics, etc.,) and confronting the more anti-neighbor tendencies of global capitalism might play in renewing the church in the 21st century.


TJ MacDougall
TJ MacDougall
Apr 25, 2024

As a Canadian, I find myself wondering how the effects of your civil war may still be felt today. It's a massively traumatic event in your nation's recent history. How much pain and anger from it may have been passed to the current generation I wonder.

May 01, 2024
Replying to

Plus people who do fly them for racist reasons.


Laura Gatannah
Laura Gatannah
Apr 25, 2024

It gets my hackles up a bit when people pontificate about how "everyone" should love reading or be reading because, frankly, it's just not for everyone. Reading a bunch of books or not reading any books are morally equivalent pastimes.

However... when I was a young child, I remember really wanting to read "Little Women." The first time I tried, probably in 3rd grade, it was just too much for me. I tried again in 5th grade and absolutely loved it. For the rest of my school career, I read "Little Women" every Christmas break. I have great memories of lying underneath our Christmas tree crying over the same things I'd cried over multiple times before.

Thing is, we had…

Sarah Lowe
Sarah Lowe
Apr 25, 2024
Replying to

Also, reading is a solitary activity, whereas TV and movies (and even video games) are things that people can enjoy in community with others. These days, I find myself watching a decent amount of television because my parents are older and that's what spending "quality time" with them typically entails. I seldom/almost never watch anything by myself.

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