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492 After School Satan Clubs, MLK Day & Disturbing Bible Stories with Esau McCaulley & David T. Lamb

To commemorate MLK Day, Phil asks Esau McCaulley if we’re making progress on race or if we’ve gone backwards in the last few years. His answer might surprise you. Skye then interviews Old Testament professor, David T. Lamb, about the updated version of his book, “God Behaving Badly: Is the God of the Old Testament Angry, Sexist and Racist?” Lamb argues that if read correctly, we’d discover the Old Testament is surprisingly progressive rather than barbaric.

Also this week, controversy erupts as after school Satan clubs sponsored by The Satanic Temple pop up in elementary schools with Good News clubs. And, a country music star withdraws his support from a Christian school that teaches racism is a reality. Plus, scientists discover sea slugs have an interesting party trick.

News Segment

Interview with Esau McCaulley

Website: “Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope” - 35:05 - Interview Start 36:14 - Reflecting on the last 18 months 41:51 - Where the white evangelical church is now 51:04 - Being part of the solution Sponsor 1:00:16 - Faithful Counseling Thanks to Faithful Counseling for sponsoring this episode: Announcement 1:01:29 - Livestream with Josh Packard: Interview with David T. Lamb Website: “God Behaving Badly: Is the God of the Old Testament Angry, Sexist and Racist?” (Expanded Edition) - 1:02:52 - Intro/Interview start 1:04:37 - Understanding the Old Testament as progressive 1:15:49 - The issue of collective justice

BONUS INTERVIEW (Polygamy in the Old Testament): The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


Jan 27, 2022

Thank you, Dr. McCaulley. Your words on this episode encouraged me. My husband and I are White and two of our kids are Black. We began attending a Black church at the beginning of the pandemic . We have been warmly welcomed and it has been such a restful place for us to be.


Jodi Light
Jodi Light
Jan 24, 2022

I really appreciated this episode. It was encouraging and informative. I did not leave feeling burdened and discouraged (as I sometimes do), but felt encouraged and ready to take some steps forward, in both topics of racial justice and OT discussions about God with those in my congregation.


Melody Foster
Melody Foster
Jan 21, 2022

Oh guys, I can't even listen to The Holy Post sometimes and it's taken me a while to figure out why, because The Dispatch, AO, and Rise & Fall are discussing way more stressful things, it's not because of your guests, I haven't even gotten to the guests yet - but the way Skye is constantly interrupting Christian and getting all worked up is so freakin' STRESSFUL. CALM DOWN SKYE. Let Christian talk. You guys basically agree with each other on most things, so WHY are you so afraid to let her finish a thought? It makes no sense and it's SO unpleasant to listen to. I know you're not meaning to be unpleasant, but it puts every nerve o…

Jan 27, 2022
Replying to

My reaction isn't as strong as Melody's but she's not wrong. And it's not just with Christian, or with women guests. I would echo Aaron Burr's advice in the musical... "talk less, smile more." -- but for a' that, I still appreciate the overall package. ...ank


Jan 20, 2022

I love you guys!!!!!! I really appreciate how you thoughtfully discuss hard topics. Thought David Lamb section was a little cringy. Parts of the Old Testament are so hard I certainly don’t have the answers but neither did Lamb, it seemed. Skye did a better job answering the questions from Lamb’s book. Sexual violence in the Bible is a difficult one. this topic could use more podcast (get a woman on next time)


Richard Spicer
Richard Spicer
Jan 20, 2022

I’m not a Patreon supporter yet, but just before the second interview Skye called me a swine, and that didn‘t help 🤪… thanks for a episode over all.

Richard Spicer
Richard Spicer
Jan 21, 2022
Replying to

I assumed some sarcasm.

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