In a recent editorial, David French asked whether the primary threat to the church comes from within or without? Phil, Skye, and Kaitlyn discuss the question and whether the church is primarily for or against the world. Plus, why are so many Christian ministries focused on protecting kids? Is it related to our fixation on the danger of hell?
Then, Skye talks with A.J. Swoboda about his new book “After Doubt: How to Question Your Faith without Losing it.” He says a lot of people aren’t really deconstructing Christianity, but a false form of the faith that should be abandoned. And Swoboda explains the danger of a culture in which everything new is seen as superior. Also this week—the Colorado baker refuses to make a transgender cake, coyote pups, and screaming foxes.
Hey crew, great episode. My wife and I appreciated the brief discussion about parenting. We would love to hear more for you guys about parenting, and maybe some guests? My wife grew up in a pretty stereotypical fundamentalist, evangelical, homeschool family. Lots of legalism, lots of judgement, lots of "protecting from the world," no explanations and no grace. We are aware of many of the errors of the previous generation, but also don't feel like we know the "right" way. We don't want to swing the pendulum too far the other way. Help!
Regarding the line about good and evil, Vaclav Havel (or was it Vaclav Klaus?) may have said it, but it goes back to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line between good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?" — The Gulag Archipelago, abridged, chapter 4 ("The Bluecaps"), page 75, Harper & Row, (c) 19895.
As I listened to the interview portion of the podcast, I realized that I started a journey of deconstruction years ago, but that term was not in vogue at the time. I just referred to it as unlearning legalistic thinking and learning about God's grace. Thank you engaging this topic in such a helpful way.
I don't really consider myself "evangelical" anymore. I'm a Christian, attend a United Methodist Church, and my politics are mostly progressive.
But this podcast and Skye's devotionals are so big for my faith journey. Not to make yall idols or anything. But the way you preach the Word in good faith is what kept me going in the Faith for a long time.
Phil, your parenting advice was impeccable. It's not just for parenting, but for every relationship. My goal is to inspire others with my own life of being in love with Jesus. Thank you for perfectly putting to words what has long been in my heart. I'm going to put that phrase on sticky-notes all over my house. 😉