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Donald Trump’s Bible or George Floyd’s? That's the choice facing America’s Christians.

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

President Donald Trump’s decision this month to have peaceful protesters removed from Lafayette Square with tear gas to stage an appearance in front of St. John’s Church has been condemned by his political enemies and defended by his political allies. I’m more interested in how this scene captures the crisis facing American Christianity: Is the Bible still the foundation of the faith, or has it become a tool of political tribalism?

6 comentarios

24 jun 2020

Great insights Skye. Thanks for being blunt with the truth. I have heard the arguments about George Floyd's past making his Christianity a joke. I dont buy that for a moment. I back in the 90s I was a thief, fortunately my punishment was 3 years in prison, and not the crucifixions listed in the Bible. I am a Christian now and 23 years later no one questions my Christianity...I've had the opportunity to turn my life around, many black men because of systemic racism dont get the chances I did.

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15 jun 2020

This is a very important question we must all ask ourselves, as individuals & a community. (Also, it makes me very happy to be Canadian, lol.)

Thank you for writing this, Skye.

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14 jun 2020

What do you say to the people who will inevitably bring up Mr. Floyd's criminal past? While I feel like this is completely a red herring argument it also feels like it will be difficult to get people to look past it instead of just dismissing the whole argument out of hand. Similarly but in another vein, in a discussion with my cousin, who is a pastor, when I pointed out some of the less-than-Christian qualities and behaviors of Trump, his answer was, "no President is perfect." That statement effectively ended the discussion. How do you get past this easy and somewhat cheap answer? (Obviously you won't with some people, but maybe for others who are willing to engage in…

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14 jun 2020

"The book’s presence is what mattered to Trump, not its message."

Kinda reminds me of Hophni and Phineas' bright idea of bringing the Ark of the Covenant into battle. That didn't end up going so well...

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Contestando a

Kind of reminds me of indiana jones where they opened the ark of the covenant and their faces melted off

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William Rolfe
William Rolfe
14 jun 2020

I have always wanted to ask those who display a more nationalistic but nominal faith what soteriological effect their perspectives might have? If you force everyone to look at Judeo/Christian iconography in our courthouses, do they really believe people will come closer or move further from God?

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