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Southern Baptists Resist the Pirates & Religious Liberty Goes to Court w/ Ed Stetzer & David French

With Skye out of town, Phil invites “hardest working man in evangelicalism” Ed Stetzer to sit in and discuss what went down in Nashville last week when 17,000 Southern Baptists all got in one room. What does it mean for Southern Baptists? What does it mean for evangelicalism? And does the mainstream media know the difference between the two?

There were also two very interesting court rulings that came down last week with implications for religious liberty in America. So conservative columnist and civil liberties attorney David French stops by to talk through free-speech cake baking and foster care, and to answer the question - what do we do when defending our own rights pits us against the neighbors we are called to love?

Plus... a farmer settles a property line dispute with a neighbor in a, shall we say, odorous way.


Mike Griffon
Mike Griffon
Jun 26, 2021

Always love your podcasts and hearing your research! I had a bit of reading to shove on you guys if you don't mind.

I have a very conservative community around me, so I see a lot of doomsday prophecies about CRT and I did a little bit of reading this past week.

I found this article especially interesting:,their%20understandings%20of%20race%2C%20racism%20and%20anti-racism.%20

And an article that the Washington Post article cited:

And I don't know if you've heard of T1J on YouTube, but I thought he had a really interesting discussion of CRT and how it both has merit and flaws and why it is so misrepresented by both the left and the right:


Melody Foster
Melody Foster
Jun 24, 2021

Great episode! Loved both conversations. I started listening to Advisory Opinions around the same time I discovered The Holy Post and it's been really eye opening for me! I've got a better understanding of how the court system works, why cases get decided the way they do, and what the implications are.

Jun 27, 2021
Replying to

It's one of my favorite podcasts.


Please have locally famous (in woodinville, WA) pastor Tim Oas on the Podcast.


Jun 23, 2021

Kind of off topic but I saw this and thought immediately of you.

Phil Vischer
Phil Vischer
Jun 24, 2021
Replying to

As if getting trapped in amber isn't bad enough...

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