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How To Read Genesis 1

In this 4 part series, John Walton and Skye Jethani take a closer look at Genesis 1 and try to understand how the Ancient Israelites would have understood the creation account. When we look at the text in the context that it was written in rather than imposing our modern questions onto the text, it radically changes the meaning of the creation story.

Episode List

Episode 1: What Question is Genesis 1 Answering? - John and Skye talk about how the Ancient Israelites would have thought about the world and how our modern questions about creation are often ones that the text is not trying to answer.

Episode 2: What Do Temples Have To Do With Genesis 1? - John and Skye talk about how Genesis 1 is actually a "Temple Inauguration" account and how that impacts the way we should interpret the text.

Episode 3: What About Other Interpretations of Genesis 1? - John and Skye talk about other common interpretations of Genesis 1 - what they get right and where they fall short. 

Episode 4: What About Other Old Testament Stories? - John and Skye take the lessons we learned about how to read Genesis 1 and apply them to other popular Old Testament stories that are often misinterpreted.

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