Holy Post Animatic: Ducks vs LocustsSkye JethaniFrom the Holy Post Podcast Episode 395Featuring Phil Vischer, Skye Jethani, and Christian TaylorAnimatic by Yesenia Thomas
From the Holy Post Podcast Episode 395Featuring Phil Vischer, Skye Jethani, and Christian TaylorAnimatic by Yesenia Thomas
Thank you Yesenia!!
I am cry-laughing. Thank you for some much-needed humor.
My take away: The best way to get rid of locusts is Pineapple pizza.
Ah, a little levity! So funny!
DYING LAUGHING!!! oh my word when phil had the duck and locust oh my goodness i cant even think about it without tearing up laughing all over again... Christian please beg her to make more of these more often because that too made me die laughing!!!