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Episode 504: Political Worship Rallies, Trump’s Racial Topography, & New Picks from Drew Dyck

Conservative political rallies and protests are increasingly using Christian worship music. How is this different than the role of faith in the Civil Rights movement, and why should Christians on all sides be cautious about attaching God’s name to their activism? Then, new data says Trump’s presidency dramatically altered attitudes about race and prejudice in America. And Phil, Skye, and Kaitlyn respond to listener questions about last week’s episode on Disney and LGBTQ representation.

Then, author and editor Drew Dyck is back for another round of media recommendations. This installment of “Dyck’s Picks” includes a book on deconstruction, some Easter-themed poetry, and a TV drama with something to say to the church about ethics and the culture war. Plus, beware of un-Lucky Charms.

News Segment: 0:00 - Intro With God Daily:

37:43 - Trump’s racial topography

Sponsor: 48:05 - Faithful Counseling

Dyck’s Picks with Drew Dyck: 49:16 - Interview intro 51:31 - Pick 1: “Fractured Faith” by Lina AbuJamra

1:1:15 - Pick 2: Yellowstone (TV series) 1:13:20 - Pick 3: “Bower Lodge” by Paul J. Pastor

1:19:23 - Final story: “With” by Skye Jethani

1:24:14 - Credits

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17 commenti

20 apr 2022
“First let me say you have given a lot to the family of Jesus in some really significant ways, and I love you and thank you for it. Next, please read my whole comment and please consider what you are doing. Skye and Phil the two of you especially need to consider that what you are saying is helping create a certain Christian culture. And it is becoming disturbingly one sided. Please, please, please, consider the END of the type of advice and information you are putting out there. In episode 504 Skye said the words some trans peoples gender identity is immutable. Please consider how scientifically wrong this is, how biblically wrong this is, and how you affirming …
Mi piace
20 apr 2022
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Counterpoint: some people experience gender dysphoria through no trauma. And the only way to peace for them is presenting the gender they are, to whatever extent they can (either because of money, weight, and other barriers to medical and mental health care).

Before you attempt to educate anyone on genetics, please do more research than we learned in middle school biology. It is not just a case of xx, xy, and/or intersex. This is a great video on this topic from an ob/gyn:

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Bill Wood
18 apr 2022

Is there another impact of Deconstruction for assistant leaders? As we are forced to face the difference between our leader's public face and internal reality, does it push us to see those dichotomies within ourselves and question whether anything we have done as leaders was really from God?

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Megan Spiering
Megan Spiering
17 apr 2022

Hi Phil. Your news of the butt came in handy the other day when I met with a kid and his dad. At the end of the interview, I always ask, “Is there anything else I should know about?” The dad then mentioned, “It’s not really an issue, but my son‘s poop is green and almost like diarrhea.” I asked, “This may be a weird question, but did he eat Lucky Charms?” The dad was so surprised as he confirmed he had been eating Lucky Charms at home. He asked how did I know, which I then explained News of The Butt.

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Phil Vischer
Phil Vischer
18 apr 2022
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That's fantastic!

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Doug Felton
Doug Felton
16 apr 2022

I appreciate the extended discussion on the LBGTQ issues from the previous episode. However, I was disappointed that the question I posted wasn't addressed (not that you are obligated.) I think it is a relevant question. What difference does it make if a person's behavior (sexual or otherwise) is the result of an immutable trait or not? You seem to go out of your way to avoid talking about the morality of sexual ethics, but isn't that the heart of this issue? If LBGTQ behavior is morally wrong, then the question of immutability is irrelevant. We all have sinful impulses hardwired into our being that don't come from social influence. However, if LBGTQ behavior is not morally wrong then the…

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16 apr 2022

I’m disappointed in Skye’s diminishing of the importance of high quality data in understanding the impact of a demagogue’s influence on American views on race. You can’t accept the validity of Barna Group‘s research on one episode then dismiss other social research in another because the conclusions seem obvious. Accepting our assumptions as absolute truth without proof is a huge part of our current polarization in the world right now. When we denigrate scientific research as Christians, even to get a laugh, we contribute to the problem of unfounded certainty. Please be more circumspect in your cynicism, Skye.

By the way, the Holy Post is a huge blessing to me and I love what you guys bring to the…

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