Some Southern Baptists say if Voddie Baucham becomes the next president of the SBC it will be a step toward racial reconciliation. When Phil disagreed in a tweet last weekend, it triggered a social media tsunami. He responds to the controversy.
Then, the Holy Post crew discusses Jemar Tisby’s recent article about how the murder of Trayvon Martin ten years ago ended white evangelicalism’s efforts at racial reconciliation. But was the movement flawed from its beginning in the 1990s? Then, Skye has a wide-ranging conversation with author and conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks. They cover recent efforts to rescue evangelicalism from politics, the loss of optimism in the 21st century, our naïveté about democracy, how the world is reacting to the war in Ukraine, and why the church needs to make spiritual formation more challenging not less.
News Segment
0:00 - Intro
01:59 - Pat Robertson
4:48 - Phil’s Twitter tsunami
11:21 - The end of racial reconciliation?
“Trayvon Martin’s Murder and the Death of the Evangelical Racial Reconciliation Movement” - https://jemartisby.substack.com/p/trayvon-martins-murder-and-the-death?utm_source=url&s=r
51:10 - Abide
Interview with David Brooks
52:22 - Interview intro
54:06 - “Dissenters” article
58:39 - Social trust and technology
1:03:16 - “The Dark Century” article
1:05:22 - Lost view of humanity
1:13:09 - Reactions to the war in Ukraine
1:18:43 - Institutions and spiritual formation
1:26:02 - End
“The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism From Itself” - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/04/opinion/evangelicalism-division-renewal.html
“The Dark Century” - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/17/opinion/liberalism-democracy-russia-ukraine.html
Bonus Patreon segment: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63559614/
David Brooks books mentioned:
“The Social Animal” - https://amzn.to/3vYb8E2
“Bobos in Paradise” - https://amzn.to/3pO5AIB
“The Road to Character” - https://amzn.to/378B7yh
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I appreciate the Holy Post podcast continues to address issues of racism. One disappointment I have is the topic of racism is often addressed from the African Americans’ perspective. Asian Americans, especially since the COVID pandemic, continue to experience microaggressions and racism (Anti-Asian Hate: A Conversation with Families|Times). I would love to see the discussion on racial issues include perspectives from other racial and ethnic groups.
So I have a few thoughts based on reading all the comments here. I’ve been listening to the HP for around 2 years now and I have deeply appreciated the consistent effort to look at issues from a Biblical perspective, I have also appreciated that the HP does not platform the “other” side simply to provide “balance”. Some opinions, Strachan’s view on women for example, are not simply the other side but are offensive and also a pointless conversation.
Fundamentalists like Strachan have an “I’m right, you’re wrong” argument style when pushed on their pet positions. This will never lead to a productive discussion, and people like Kevin de Young, have made it a part of their brand to call…
I am thankful for the Holy Post! Once I discovered it, I have been listening nearly non-stop. I've listened to every episode in the last 1.5 years, and even gone back to episodes before that. While I don't always agree with everything on the show, what I most appreciate is that it makes me think. In the last couple years, I've been making a concerted effort to broaden the voices to which I expose myself, and HP has played a big role in that.
One thing that bothers me, though, is my perception that Phil and Skye don't necessarily have the same willingness to thoroughly engage with opposing voices. The most recent examples of this are the comments regarding Voddi…
I do have another quick thought. Always piling on White Evangelicals seems very much counter to having a thoughtful, wise show that promotes various perspectives. As I said before, it makes it sound like Fox News in the Obama. Absolutely everything wrong with the country was Obama's fault. Or tune in to a right wing podcast and you'll see how everything is the liberal's fault. I think the HP can stand above all of that by not blaming just about everything in White Evangelicals. We are all fallen, sometimes it's white evangelicals that drop it, but sometimes it's not. But there's goodness in the white evangelical, conservative church.
Thanks for this podcast. I tend to be conservative politically, but I REALLY like your message about listening to both sides of an argument. We all need to overcome confirmation bias.