Why are people inside the church often no healthier or happier than those outside? Author Alan Noble says we are suffering from a kind of mass psychosis and going to church won’t solve it. His new book, “You Are Not Your Own” challenges our understanding of identity and purpose, and calls us to a less modern, more Christian, vision of life.
Also this week, progressive philosopher and political activist, Cornel West, says liberals need Jesus. What can we learn from him about critiquing our own tribe rather than judging others’. Plus, are white evangelicals keeping the guitar industry alive? And Phil brings us a new batch of animal news. Has the shark messiah been born in Italy?
News Segment:
Australian ducks learn how to swear [2:47]
Rare shark “virgin birth” [5:20]
Fender: 1 in 3 guitars are bought by people who play in worship bands [8:52]
“Cornel West on Why the Left Needs Jesus” and critiquing our own tribe [10:58]
“The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” podcast [22:25]
PATREON BONUS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56161614
Interview with Alan Noble:
“You Are Not Your Own: Belonging to God in an Inhuman World” - https://amzn.to/3ntxAAV
Interview Start [31:35]
A metaphor for modern Western society [33:49]
Church is not the solution [39:37]
Pre-modernity is not the solution [42:33]
Paradox of identity in modern society [48:08]
Christian understanding of identity [54:24]
Deconstruction and identity [1:04:54]
A vision for Christian community [1:08:53]
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Did you guys mention a study on this episode on the impact of regular confession in helping people not fall into believing conspiracy theories? If so, could you link it?
As the conversation between Skye and Alan progressed, it struck me that two white-culture guys (I know Skye is not white, but he is definitely white culture) telling people where they should and should not find their identities is the same as.... all of western history where white culture tells everyone else what their identities can and cannot be.
Saying "you are not your own" is really only profound to white-culture men, who have never experienced being "not their own". Immigrants are invisible, Natives were exterminated or sequestered, Black people were owned (and are now living out the consequences of a country that has controlled their every move), and women are often expected to change their name in marriage, an…
Skye, do you think you guys could do a better job critiquing your own? Or at least define who "your own tribe" is? You guys spend spend a considerable amount of time critiquing conservative leaning Christians, people who are not thrilled about vaccines, or CRT (or anything related to reconciliation) or immigration. People who love guns, a particular kind of masculinity, America and small government. Is that really your or Phil's tribe? If you are going to "critique your own", should you not be critiquing the blind-spots of those who listen to the Holy Post? Don't you think you need to be a prophetic voice for... say people who don't like complementarianism? Otherwise it seems to me you are no…
Great episode as always, you guys!
Alan Noble brought up in his interview a distinction between Derrida's concept of Deconstruction and "deconstruction" as it's popularly (and perhaps incorrectly) used today. I've seen a number of smart people make this same critique. Could you briefly explain the difference?
Thanks for putting together such great content every week!
I think Skye would be the perfect worship leader for people who don’t like worship leaders.