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Episode 465: July 4th Roundup & the Shadow Side of Christian Publishing with Karen Swallow

This 4th of July, Hobby Lobby took out a controversial full-page newspaper ad featuring quotes, or misquotes, from America’s founders about being a Christian nation. An editorial from Robert P. Jones says July 4th is a time to decide what we believe more—the Declaration of Independence that says all people are created equal, or the European doctrine of discovery which enshrined white supremacy? And David French asks what it really means to be a patriot and love our country well as Christians.

Then, Karen Swallow Prior is back on the show to talk about a recent address she gave to the Evangelical Press Association about Christian publishing’s addiction to celebrity and lack of integrity. But who’s really to blame—Christian book publishers, or Christian book consumers? All of that, plus is Spiderman & the Pope the best MCU team-up yet?


Jul 17, 2021

If you liked what Robert Jones had to say in his article I highly recommend reading <a href="">Unsettling Truths</a> by Mark Charles. The quote that is on the webpage that I linked to is one of my favorites from the book. The shortened version is, "Our country does not have a common memory.”

Skye Jethani and Karen Swallow Prior talked about books worth reading and Unsettling Truths is one I would put on that list.

Jul 17, 2021
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I guess the HTML didn't work, here is the URL:


This is for you, Kaitlyn.

Also, thanks for making me feel soooooooo old. :)


Alex Weiss
Alex Weiss
Jul 14, 2021

Guys, wouldn’t Daredevil aka Matt Murdock, a Catholic, be the best contender to meet the Pope?

Jul 15, 2021
Replying to

You beat me to it! I was going to say Nightcrawler as well.


I rewrote the holy post theme song. You may play this audio recording on the podcast.


Jul 14, 2021

Speaking of Hobby Lobby...

Since hearing some of what is going on in China and North Korea, I've been attempting to pay more attention to where products come from and buy US made products when possible. I went to Hobby Lobby last week and found that almost 100% of the items I looked at were made in China. For a company that touts its allegiance to American nationalism and its pro-life stance, I find it interesting and somewhat hypocritical that the bulk of their profit is made by selling Chinese products. Considering the presence of internment camps in China, I find it pretty inconsistent with a pro-life view...and overall I think it's just politically inconsistent of them.

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