The first week of the second Trump administration has seen refugees cut off and January 6th criminals cut loose. Franklin Graham declared in his inauguration prayer that God himself had chosen the President. The MAGA faithful applauded this mix of Christian faith and politics, but when Bishop Budde asked the President to “show mercy” to frightened people during her homily at the National Cathedral, she was accused of everything from political activism to witchcraft. Phil has a theory about what these two religious leaders at the inauguration reveal about the state of American Christianity. Then Matthew Soerens from World Relief is back to discuss Trump’s immediate shut down of all refugee resettlement, including cutting all financial aid previously promised to refugees already in the U.S. What’s behind the President’s aggressive policy, and how can we practically help our neighbors abandoned by the government that brought them here? Also this week—reanimated squirrels and Skye wears a red hat.
0:00 - Show Starts
4:14 - Theme Song
4:36 - Sponsor - Go to https://www.fromourplace.com and use code HOLYPOST to get 10% off site wide on beautiful cookware!
5:42 - Sponsor - Faithful Counseling - This episode is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. Give online therapy a try at https://www.faithfulcounseling.com/HOLYPOST and get 10% off
10:54 - Inauguration
20:57 - The Demonization of Empathy
27:08 - Loyalty Buys Protection
32:26 - Cruelty as Proof of Allegiance
39:30 - Created Order vs. the Marginalized
59:07 - Sponsor - Sundays Dog Food - Get 40% off your first order of Sundays. Go to https://www.SundaysForDogs.com/HOLYPOST or use code HOLYPOST at checkout.
1:00:08 - Sponsor - The NIV Lectio Bible - A simple, ancient way to read the library of scripture. Find it at https://www.nivlectio.com or wherever Bibles are sold!
1:01:17 - Sponsor - J29 Coalition - Guide your church into a Christ-centered approach to politics! Visit https://j29coalition.com to sign up today
1:02:24 - Interview
1:05:50 - The Refugee Resettlement Program
1:09:44 - We Invited Refugees
1:15:22 - What Options to Help Refugees
1:21:45 - Helping Local Immigrant Communities
1:28:10 - End Credits
Links Mentioned in News Segment:
Evangelicals Made a Bad Trade:
Collision of Two Christianities:
Other resources:
Learn how recent executive orders are having a devastating impact on thousands of refugees and humanitarian programs both in the U.S. and globally, and find out how you can help make a difference!
Partner with World Relief: https://give.worldrelief.org/site/Donation2?df_id=5541&5541.donation=form1&mfc_pref=T&utm_source=HolyPost&utm_medium=ShowNotes&utm_campaign=EO_UrgentAppeal
Sign the Christian Statement on Refugee Resettlement: https://worldrelief.org/christianstatement/
Easy tool to contact Congress with talking points: https://p2a.co/AEQhezU
Prayer: folks are welcome to register for an update & prayer call on Friday (1/31) at 1 PM ET/12 PM CT https://discover.worldrelief.org/stand-in-the-gap-hom
Holy Post website: https://www.holypost.com/
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Holy Post Merch Store: https://www.holypost.com/shop
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Thank you so much as always for your work on this show, it is always amazingly helpful for me as I try to sort out my feelings about our current cultural environment.
Phil’s comments about the two types of Christianity are food for thought. The three of you touched on this, but I wish there had been a little more acknowledgment that BOTH mindsets (God’s created order vs. care for the disadvantaged) are true in scripture, they are not mutually exclusive. Obviously God’s created order does not place men over women or owners over slaves etc., but there is a lot of truth in scripture about God not being a God of confusion but of peace, and about mutual submission…
Hi Holy Post friends, thank you for this episode.
Christian leaders need to lose it more often with righteous indignation like this, and maybe go farther. There are two pools and it has been concerning for a while.
Many said during and after the election that God is on the throne it will be OK. But we were still concerned. After the election people said that if we were so worried and depressed about the result we need to re-evaluate our hearts, that Jesus is still on the throne, etc etc. While thats true in the long run.. THIS IS WHAT WE WERE WORRIED ABOUT. We were sad for those who’s future would be changed forever. He laid it out…
Grace, Mercy, Repentance and Redemption have been an essential part of Evangelical theology for centuries.
To see leading U.S. White Evangelicals in the last couple of weeks abuse these concepts, is a great embarrassment ..................
With 80% of U.S. White Evangelicals voting for Trump.... it is just sad to see what has happened to to the Evangelical movement...
Thanks to the Holy Post folks for having the courage to speak clearly and biblically......
I think the word Phil's looking for to explain the great difference between sermon-on-the-mount Christians and "hierarchial" Christians is "CASTE" Christianity. Read "Caste: The Origins of our Discontents by Isael Wilkerson, Pulitzer Prize winner of "The Warmth of Other Suns". Hierarchial Christianity or Caste Christianity, is a perversion of the gospel that is utterly anathma. Because of Jesus, all are equal before God and come to the communion table as one family, no male, female, greek, jew, free or slave. Caste systems, however, divide the communion table with hatred, suspicion, slander and gossip. Caste utilizes ways people can retain power and keep the status quo by appealing to religion (God or the gods ordain authority of one gender over anothe…
Y'all know Steve Bezner... he's a white, evangelical, male pastor who sounds so much like Budde. I am grateful for him. Wish there were more of him.
Also, Kaitlyn, I now view the YT versions of these podcasts solely to watch your expressions ;)