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653: Character, Christian Colleges, & Why Trump Won with Robert P. Jones

Robert P Jones

According to New York Times columnist, David Brooks, our society has given up on moral formation to focus instead on individual success and happiness. Can we recover a culture of shared virtue? Surprising new data shows that overall college enrollment is down, but Christian colleges and universities are growing. What’s the explanation? Then Robert P. Jones, from PRRI, is back to unpack the numbers from the presidential election. Why did more Latinos support Trump, and are Democrats learning the wrong lessons from their loss? Also this week—animals hold grudges.

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0:00 - Show Starts

3:17 - Theme Song

3:40 - Sponsor - Glorify - Sign up for the #1 Christian Daily Devotional App to help you stay focused on God. Go to to download the app today!

4:43 - Sponsor - Rocket Money - Find and cancel your old subscriptions with Rocket Money at

5:50 - The Inauguration

8:30 - Connecting to Relief Work

12:05 - Ants’ Tiny Grudges

17:30 - Character Building Toolkit

24:28 - Morally Fragmented World

39:21 - Christian College Growth

44:52 - Sponsor - J29 Coalition - Guide your church into a Christ-centered approach to politics! Visit to sign up today

45:58 - Sponsor - AG1 - Heavily researched, thoroughly purity-tested, and filled with stuff you need. Go to

47:15 - Interview 

48:50 - Lack of Change

57:01 - Don’t Overread

1:12:44 - Fatigue

1:17:38 - Pray for Wisdom

1:21:40 - End Credits

Links Mentioned in News Segment:

World Relief:

Christian Colleges Continue to See Enrollment Growth:

Biologists Antagonised Ants:

Other resources:

The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy: and the Path to a Shared American Future by Robert P. Jones:

White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity by Robert P. Jones:

Robert P. Jones’ Substack:

Holy Post website:

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Jan 24

I just want to thank the Holy Post gang for discussing the Southern California wildfires with compassion and curiosity the past couple of weeks. It's been hard to live in this region the past few weeks and it sure doesn't help to hear Christians from other parts of the country making jokes about the fires or offering up their favorite nonsensical theories about where to place blame. You guys are a bright light in a dark time.


Jan 24

Jones in talking with Skye said that 80% of church-going White Evangelicals voted for Trump. Trump's number one issue in the 2024 campaign was to close the Southern Border and deport 15 million people.

So it makes no sense that White Evangelicals would have now show courage and stand up against the deportations.

Your brothers and sisters in Christ are probably calling ICE right now to deport their neighbors.

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