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633: The Head Covering Comeback & Unsung Heroes with Jemar Tisby

A very old trend is making a big comeback among Catholic women—veils. Is the turn toward head coverings rooted in Scripture, a desire for sacred symbols, a longing for traditional womanhood, or is it just a nostalgic fashion trend field by TikTok? A new study says what separates conservatives and liberals is how hierarchically they view the world and the importance of maintaining strict boundaries. And why are very conservative political personalities starting to talk more about Christian theology? Phil, Skye, and Kaitlyn each offer their explanations. Then, Jemar Tisby is back to talk about his new book, “The Spirit of Justice,” and the remarkable stories of heroic, but largely forgotten, Christians in American history. Also this week—hurricanes are blowing cocaine.

0:00 - Intro

2:15 - Show Starts

4:08 - Theme Song

4:30 - Sponsor - Sundays Dog Food - Get 40% off your first order of Sundays. Go to or use code HOLYPOST at checkout.

5:32 - Sponsor - Rocket Money - Find and cancel your old subscriptions with Rocket Money at

7:05 - The Cocaine Hurricane Strikes

11:40 - Young Catholics Wearing Veils

21:13 - Do Difference between Liberal and Conservative Come Down to Boundary Lines?

26:03 - Chesterton’s Fence and Wisdom

36:31 - Why Are Right-Wing Political Pundits Invested in Looking for Heresy?

51:31 - Threats to Conservatism Treated as Threats to Christianity

58:37 - Sponsor - Go to and use code HOLYPOST to get 10% off site wide on beautiful cookware!

59:42 - Sponsor - AG1 - Heavily researched, thoroughly purity-tested, and filled with stuff you need. Go to

1:01:02 - Interview

1:03:12 - Why Did Jemar Tisby Write The Spirit of Justice?

1:09:04 - How Jamar Tisby Gathered Theological Resources 

1:16:38 - How To Be Aware of Injustice

1:20:57 - Women of the Civil Rights Movement

1:27:47 - How to Seek Justice in Your Life

1:33:09 - End Credits

Links Mentioned in the News Segment:

The Young Catholic Women Bringing Back Veils:

Many Difference between Liberals and Conservatives May Boil Down to One Belief:

Other resources:

The Spirit of Justice: True Stories of Faith, Race, and Resistance:

Holy Post website:

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Holy Post Merch Store:

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5 days ago

Why is there an effort to act differently in a "sacred space" when we already have the Holy Spirit taking up residence within us?


When what's-his-name makes a provocative statement about female pastors he gets people to repeat the message, as you have done. That promotes him and cements the concept. Just repeating the message cements it in people's minds, even if one repeats it to disagree with it.

I think female pastors bring empathy and tolerance to the pulpit in a way that male pastors can't, even though those were core to Jesus's teachings. Feel free to discuss my opinion on your show!


Thanks again for a great, thought-provoking show.

My sense of the Matt Walsh question is that the fundamentalist wing of the GOP has thoroughly dominated the public expression of conservative politics, and so now it's turning to the other major belief system that controls people's lives -- religion. With these both subdued there will be no resistance to the exercise of pure power by this group. Some people might describe this as preparing the way for authoritarianism / fascism.

In any case, it seems to me that this turning of attention to the religious sphere is not coincidental.

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