In the last two presidential elections about 8 in 10 evangelicals voted for Donald Trump, but can Kamala Harris steal some of those votes in 2024? We discuss the recent “Evangelicals for Harris” call and why it’s so difficult to get Christians to think more theologically about politics. Ed Stetzer argues that abortion should still be a top priority when voting, and Tyler Huckabee says we should be uncomfortable endorsing any candidate. Then, Skye talks to New Testament professor, Dr. Gary Burge, about the ongoing Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and what the Bible really says about Israel’s claim on the Holy Land.
0:00 - Intro
1:30 - Show Starts and Kaitlyn’s Opinion on Vacations
4:53 - Theme Song
5:16 - Sponsor - Go to https://www.fromourplace.com and use code HOLYPOST to get 10% off site wide on beautiful cookware!
6:21 - Sponsor - Blueland - Get up to 15% off your first order by going to https://www.Blueland.com/HOLYPOST
12:21 - Discussing the Evangelicals for Harris Call
21:08 - Jemar Tisby and Thick vs Thin Theology
29:03 - Ed Stetzer and the Umpire Analogy
33:30 - Which Party is Better for the Pro-Life Movement?
43:40 - Phil’s TwiXter on Watching Political Conventions as a Nonpartisan
48:14 - Sponsor - Faithful Counseling - This episode is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. Give online therapy a try at https://www.faithfulcounseling.com/HOLYPOST and get 10% off
49:21 - Sponsor - Sundays Dog Food - Get 35% off your first order of Sundays. Go to https://www.SundaysForDogs.com/HOLYPOST or use code HOLYPOST at checkout.
50:34 - Interview
53:22 - What Got Gary Burge Involved with the Middle East Conflict
1:00:46 - Genesis Chapter 12 and the Prosperity Gospel
1:08:28 - The Ancient Understanding of Land Ownership
1:18:22 - Orthodox Jews and Modern Israel
1:25:38 - End Credits
Links Mentioned in the News Segment:
Ed Stetzer on What’s a Pro-Life Christian to Do in This Election:
Tyler Huckabee on Why He’s Not a Christian for Kamala:
Other resources:
Whose Land? Whose Promise?: What Christians Are Not Being Told About Israel and the Palestinians by Gary Burge: https://a.co/d/aDwflA9
Holy Post website: https://www.holypost.com/
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Ed Stetzer's article about calling balls and strikes regarding abortion was confusing. He discusses the liberal policies of the democrats while briefly mentioning the Republicans.
Donald Trump took the Republican party from a pro-life to a pro-choice position, forget about calling balls and strikes he should be thrown out of the game.
Unfortunately the large majority of Evangelicals have been supporting Trump over the past nine years and will vote for him a third miserable time. Of course, it didn't have to be this way, as there were many other candidates to vote for in the primaries over the years. But Evangelicals WANTED Trump.
Hey Stetzer, maybe character is the most important thing when evaluating a political candidate. By in…
After watching the last few weeks play out and then the DNC, I can confidently say that "I am a Christian and I will be voting for Harris/Walz". I don't agree with everything they have or will propose, but the choice is not even close. For me, their tone and direction is like a fever breaking.
KKDumez had an excellent piece on Evangelicals for Harris. Highly recommend though I might be biased as a Calvin Alum.
Totally agree with Kaitlyn that discussions on politics and theology are too superficial, but disappointed that this discussion fell into that very trap. Two specific thoughts: There needs to be a lot more discussion about not voting for president or voting third party as an option for Christians. Stetzer seemed to hint that's what he's doing but he was intentionally vague. Many of the Christians I know (admittedly a self-selected group) cannot in good conscience vote for either candidate (or Kennedy). Second, siding with Phil and against Skye on the abortion discussion, it's possible, maybe likely, that the increase in abortion is a short-term reaction to overturning Roe vs. Wade. I find it unlikely that a Harris administration would take…
Ugh. Here we go again. Another podcast discussing abortion that doesn’t recognize that sometimes what is called “abortion” is necessary healthcare for a woman and it even more terrible circumstances girls. Skye said he watched a decent amount of Monday nights DNC convention - guess he missed the part where married mothers spoke of their harrowing ordeals as they were turned away from hospitals in physical distress when their very wanted pregnancies became unviable health emergencies. They were told to go home and wait until their symptoms became life threatening. There was also the personL story of the young woman who was impregnated at 12 years old by her step father who was so relieved that she was not forced…
It's funny to me how people in your country pretend that in the majority of your elections in the last 100 years, both candidates haven't been church going Christians.