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628: Olympic Outrage & the New Testament in Color with Esau McCaulley & Amy Peeler

The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics sparked outrage when drag queens assembled into a scene reminiscent of the Last Supper. Are Christians right to be offended? Oklahoma is requiring public schools to teach the Bible, but some teachers are resisting. Is this really about education or indoctrination? And Kaitlyn’s latest article explains why this election is important, but maybe not an “existential threat.” New Testament scholars, Esau McCaulley and Amy Peeler, discuss their new multi-ethnic Bible commentary “The New Testament in Color” and why we should read Scripture with friends from diverse backgrounds. Plus, a flip-flop fail in Death Valley.

0:00 - Intro

1:30 - Show Starts

2:50 - Theme Song

3:10 - Sponsor - The Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club - To get a Full-Size artisanal olive oil for just $1 shipping, go to

4:17  - Sponsor - Faithful Counseling - This episode is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. Give online therapy a try at and get 10% off

6:10 - Flip Flops in Death Valley

8:58 - Olympic Drag Queen Last Supper

23:38 - Oklahoma Bible-Education Mandate

36:53 - France vs Oklahoma

42:31 - Why Turn Down the Rhetoric on Political Panic?

48:07 -  Sponsor -World Relief - Visit to find out how to get two FREE e-learning courses and celebrate World Refugee Day with World Relief!

49:10 - Sponsor - Go to and use code HOLYPOST to get 10% off site wide on beautiful cookware! 

50:15 - Interview

52:02 - Where Did “The New Testament in Color” Start?

1:00:40 - Will Cultures Continue into Heaven?

1:11:00 - Why Face Hard Questions?

1:18:53 - What Are the Biblical Reasons to Study How Cultures and Ethnicities Understand Things?

1:25:27 - End Credits

Links Mentioned in the News Segment:

Man Who Lost Flip Flops Death Valley Hospitalization Burned Feet:

Paris Olympics Organisers Apologize to Christians for Last Supper Parody:

Oklahoma Superintendent Vows to Force Schools to Teach Bible, Issuing Guidance:

Kaitlyn’s Article About Existential Political Rhetoric:

Other resources:

The New Testament in Color: A Multiethnic Bible Commentary:

Holy Post website:

Holy Post Plus:

Holy Post Merch Store:

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Aug 05, 2024

I watched the entirety of the opening ceremonies and thought nothing of the "controversial" segment with the drag queens. I simply saw it as the setup for their runway show. Paris = fashion capital. I don't even think that was the weirdest thing that happened during the broadcast. lol


Aug 04, 2024

Even if this is some kind of variation on a theme with the Last Supper rather than Dionysius, it’s not like we don’t see them constantly everywhere else and have for a very very long time. It’s a standard trope at this point.


Beau Pugh
Beau Pugh
Aug 03, 2024

In regards to the Paris opening ceremony I would love to ask what was it that made people feel so uncomfortable? As Ted Lasso says, "be curious," dig into that more. I would also encourage people to ask why does this group of people feel like they needed to mock Christianity in the first place? Was that even their goal or were they also trying to convey a message of inclusivity. So many questions to ask. I would also point out that if it were Jesus, he would probably have no qualms sitting at that table with those people. My wife wrote a pretty great blog post about it here

Beau Pugh
Beau Pugh
Aug 03, 2024
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I also want to add that David French had a decent response to this in "French Friday." It's true outrage gives fuel for those seeking to elicit a response. I would argue that the most mind blowing response to those seeking to take shots at Christianity would be to extend a hand of invitation and welcome. It's the "foolishness" of the gospel. Turn hatred and vitriol on it's head by being loving and welcoming. I imagine many groups of people would find less to criticize in Christians if we gave them less of a reason to do so.


Jul 31, 2024

Incorporating the Bible into curriculum seems to me less about "impressing God" as Skye but it and more about the idea of "If we force students to read this book, maybe, just maybe, it will have a positive effect on them." Say 10 kids in a classroom who otherwise would not have opened a Bible are assigned a passage to read. Even if 9 of them come away without any significant impact, the tenth kid might have his life changed by it. It's the old question of "How much effort and resources can we put towards the salvation of a single soul before it becomes not worth the effort?"


Jul 31, 2024

Per the Barna group only 4% of Americans now hold to a biblical worldview. So I would think any amount of biblical exposure to students in public schools would only help.

Though on the other hand, even the majority of evangelicals do not send their kids to Christian schools. Try having that discussion in church... talk about a taboo subject....

For the Paris Games Last supper controversy. I saw it as a Greek pagan festival and in this case it was the feast of Dionysus. The Olympics were founded by pagan Greeks and the acting done was a nod to those games and to the Greek pagan culture.

The French are totally okay with it since the majority French are…

Aug 04, 2024
Replying to

I think I would say two things. First of all, what exactly is meant by “biblical worldview”? And second, if they’re going to have the Bible as part of the curriculum in public non-religious schools, then they’re going to need to have a whole lot of other religious texts from other religions.

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