For our final episode of 2022, we are sharing with everyone two bonus features that are normally exclusively available to Holy Post supporters. First, you’ll hear an episode of “Christian Asks” where Skye explains what the Bible says, and does not say, about what happens to us after we die.
Then, we’re sharing one of the most popular episodes of “Getting Schooled by Kaitlyn Schiess” about the doctrine of the harrowing of hell. After that, Kaitlyn interviews Michael Wear, the founder and president of The Center for Christianity and Public Life.
0:00 - Intro
2:01 - Christian Asks... What actually happens after we die?
19:21 - Getting Schooled by Kaitlyn Schiess: The Harrowing of Hell 101
52:23 - With God Daily
Interview with Michael Wear
Michael Wear -
The Center for Christianity & Public Life -
53:19 - Michael Wear intro
53:55 - Faith journey
1:01:46 - Politics journey
1:07:15 - Center for Christianity and Public Life overview
1:12:21 - Spiritual formation and policies
1:25:25 - Pre-2024 formation
1:30:09 - Credits
“He Descended to the Dead: An Evangelical Theology of Holy Saturday” by Matthew Y. Emerson -
“The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ” by Fleming Rutledge -
“Forsaken: The Trinity and the Cross, and Why It Matters” by Thomas McCall -
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Kaitlyn should absolutely be interviewing more guests!
I don't understand why Sky and Kaitlyn react so defensively and negatively to the very idea of universal salvation (while apparently having no problem with the assumption of eternal torment and damnation). I cannot imagine an afterlife where Jesus is sitting on a throne basking in the adulation of saints while billions of people are suffering eternal torment with no hope of redemption. The Jesus I find in the gospels would not be lounging around getting his ego stroked. He would be down in this so-called hell ministering to the lost sheep and doing exactly what he taught us to do - loving his enemies and forgiving those who persecute him.
It's always a little sad (okay, very sad and very infuriating, which is why I'm going to pick on just a few throwaway lines in this episode) how quickly Christians post-Augustine have been to distance themselves from Universalism. As if it'd be a terrible thing for God to actually redeem the whole of creation, instead of just some tiny fraction of it. Is the Good News really that instead of letting (or forcing) all of us to go to Giga-Auschwitz, he's only letting most of us go? Is it Good News that the God who is Love keeps records of wrongs, only sometimes protects, only sometimes hopes, and doesn't persevere in trying to win over any particular soul for more…
Hi Holy Post! This “harrowing of hell” stuff got my gears turning and I would love to hear Skye/Kaitlyn/whoever else talk about what they believe to be the best doctrines of judgment/afterlife for unbelievers. In this conversation, Kaitlyn seems to mostly dismiss the possibility of universalism and post-death conversions. Can we hear more about that? I grew up with your average evangelical “conscious decision before death required for salvation, Eternal Conscious Torment for those who don’t believe,” and I have largely come to reject that framework but I don’t know what to replace it with. I am inclined to think that all people will receive a legitimate opportunity (either in this life or the next) to understand the gospel and…
When you got to the question of how to talk with your kids about life after death, I thought of how my young 6 year old doesn't ask us about Heaven, but asks about the "New Heavens and the New Earth".