William Wilberforce is celebrated as a model of Christian cultural engagement for ending the British slave trade, but most Christian biographies of Wilberforce ignore the fact that he was addicted to opium for most of his life. Timothy McMahon King, author of “Addiction Nation,” explains why. He shares his own story of overcoming opioid addiction which kills over 70,000 Americans every year, and how equating addiction with moral failure hurts far more than it helps. Also this week, Hulk Hogan says God is judging our idolatry with COVID-19. Is he right? Skye explains why the eschatological nuts are probably wrong about this being the end of the world. And Phil tries to cut his hair with horse clippers.
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I'm late commenting, but when I listened to this interview I sobbed. I struggle with overeating and alchohol addiction and was deeply ashamed of the fact. Hearing it put in this context helped me take the steps to heal. I wasn't the gluttonous, alchoholic monster like I saw myself as; I was depressed, anxious, and didn't value myself highly. That was why I coped the way I did.
I'm eating healthy calories instead of junk food (still having occasional treats of course) and drinking more moderately now. Its a daily struggle but not as much of one as I thought it would be. I've also started doing a lot of self reflection and working towards my career goals.
Thank you…
This episode is so amazing. It’s eye opening to hear the opening of this topic that is usually diverted and avoided (Much like homelessness). It nice to hear such a open and fresh perspective to stop judging addiction and those who struggle with it.
Great episode! Thank you guys so much for this podcast it’s spiritual, practical, funny, historical, informative, and educational and I enjoy a lot. I’m writing because I actually just got Phil’s book Sydney and Norman for my daughter (shes two so it probably went over her head a little bit) and it was so profound and powerful. It showed a lot of Things in me like hypocrisy and pride and being judgmental and unloving and then this podcast just drove that home more in me. Combined they’re powerfully impacting my walk with God as well as how I interact with others and view them. Thanks again everyone for making this show happen and thanks Phil for making great children’s material…
This was a great listen. I loved McMahan King's statement about more Agape. I think Christopher Yuan (who is in your neck of the woods at Wheaton) would make a fascinating tangential interview.
Also - I was greatly fascinated that your podcast on drug addiction came out the same week that Unbelievable did a debate on The War on Drugs.
Congratulations to the start of another 400 Episodes ;) Thanks for making this podcast possible in this time. I've actually featured you guys on my latest blog post and hoping more people tune in to the Holy Post this side of the 'pond'. Thanks Skye, as always, for your insight! Best wishes from Munich, Germany. (https://thelambstand.blogspot.com/)