It’s becoming increasingly clear that parental rights is poised to be a significant issue in the 2024 election, particularly as it relates to transgenderism and gender-affirming healthcare. Skye Jethani talks to David French about his recent editorial that provoked a backlash from both ends of the political spectrum. French explains why recent efforts in California and Texas, which take opposite positions on youth transgenderism, both violate the long-affirmed rights of parents to make healthcare decisions for their own children without government interference. Is it another case of both the Right and Left embracing illiberal and unconstitutional tactics to fight the Culture War? Or, does the rise of transgenderism among kids demand the government’s intervention regardless of what parents want?
0:00 - Theme Song
5:22 - Don’t Let the Culture War Degrade the Constitution
11:00 - Parental Rights in California
21:47 - Parental Rights in Texas
33:52 - Kaylee McGhee White’s Critique
46:52 - Navigating the polarization of our communities
1:01:40 - End Credits
Links mentioned in interview
Don’t Let the Culture War Degrade the Constitution
Yes, the state has both the right and the responsibility to restrict gender ideology
Other resources:
David French: https://twitter.com/DavidAFrench
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Perhaps also an interview with Charlie Baber would be good?
Phil, Skye, have you guys heard of Revoice or Nate Collins? He's got a very interesting take on gay issues and Christianity, and I would love for you to interview him. https://www.sheologians.com/revoice-conference-nate-collins/
I would love it if in maybe the next HP you guys could take some time to respond to some of the responses here. Was really hoping it would be a topic this week, but fingers crossed for next week or later...
There are 56 comments in this section. I have not read all of them but the majority seem to be from people who either lean left or are fully comfortable on the left. In other words, given what you are seeing here I think it's fair to conclude that most of your listeners are not white conservative evangelicals. And therefore, your responsibility is not to challenge white conservative evangelicals (because they don't listen to you) but to challenge your actual listeners (left leaning christians). This episode was a great way to do that. You should do it in more episodes. Your listeners need to be challenged. Your listeners do not need an echo chamber (or almost always an echo chamber).
--See edit at the end of this comment--
Forgot one thing: Skye mentions the fact that the Texas law would classify the parents of intersex children as child abusers, but goes on to stress how extremely rare this set of conditions is. They are not that rare. The literature suggests between 0.018% to 1.7% of people are born on the intersex spectrum. That means it effects somewhere between 1.4 million and 136 million real people, leading real lives.
The fact that people are born intersex at all means sex and gender are not intrinsic or immutable. Suggesting otherwise is demonstrably untrue.
At a bare minimum, avoid ignorant platitudes like "God made everyone perfect as a boy or a girl." That's…