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548 Andy Stanley, Spirit Warriors, & the Greatest Threat to Christianity

In a video clip from a sermon, influential megachurch pastor Andy Stanley said gay men and women who remain in the church “have more faith than a lot of you.” The backlash has been swift, but are people misunderstanding his point? And why do some Christians think shifting views on sexuality and gender are the greatest threat to the church, while others believe it’s Christian Nationalism and politics? Who’s right? And what does our view say about us? And a new article explains the rise of Spirit Warriors—the independent Christian “prophets” on YouTube mixing politics and spiritual warfare. Where did they come from, and how much influence do they really have?

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News Segment

0:00 - Intro

3:46 - Tyre Nichols and tragedies

13:07 - Andy Stanley and threats to the American


34:12 - Faithful Counseling

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35:23 - The rise of spirit warriors

1:01:52 End Credits

Links mentioned in news segment:

“Andy Stanley says gay churchgoers 'have more faith than a lot of you'”

“The Rise of Spirit Warriors on the Christian Right”

Jason Rugg’s next venture

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Jenny Gavlas Arsenault
Jenny Gavlas Arsenault

DeLorean...Mandalorian. I'm old enough to know what a DeLorean is, but I can see why Kaitlyn guessed it was associated with Star Wars. 😜



In the Spirit Warrior segment when Michael Flynn was mentioned as being Catholic and that it was surprising to hear him be a part of this, Skye made a quick comment about the Catholic Church having a Pentacostal stream in it. I would clarify that while the Vatican has sanctioned a Charismatic stream in the church, they would not sanction what Michael Flynn is doing. He's out on his own with this. Kind of like how Pelosi and Biden are also outside of Catholic doctrine and practice, only in the other direction.



I really enjoyed today’s pod. As always, each of you had some great points!! In terms of the motivations of people who are being deceptive, it’s not just money. I tend to think about what Intelligence Community think about when they wonder if someone is compromised. They use the mnemonic device MICE ( money, ideolog, compromise, ego). I think that helps. These are 4 motivations, like the 7 deadly sins, that keep us from God’s love.

Mark Norman
Mark Norman

Just so you're aware, you can edit your own posts - click the triple dots and select Edit.


Mark Norman
Mark Norman

At minute 33 Phil asks for a nice simple box to wrap up who's right about declarations of the biggest problem(s) facing the church. Here you go:

1) If a statement is referring to fellow believers and uses "they" instead of "we," it's wrong.

2) If it espouses or accepts disdain, hatred and/or violence, it's wrong.

3) If it casts judgment on a person and not just their words or actions, it's wrong (unless you're God, the only judge).

I'm sure there are others, jump in if you've got one.


K-Pop is perfectly fine, and you can love it with impunity. ;)



This is a correction to my previous post:

Regarding “Spirit Warriors”, I recommend listening to the series “Charismatic Revival Fire” on the Straight White American Jesus podcast. For me, it was a real eye-opener.

Bob Forbes

Red Deer Alberta Canada

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