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Youtube Update

Over the last few years, we have received thousands of messages from our listeners about how The Holy Post has been an encouragement to them and a reminder that they are not alone. We are grateful that our efforts to present a positive view of a life with God in a post Christian culture has resonated with so many of you, and we think it could be helpful for millions more who are questioning a culture war version of faith  that is full of fear and anger.

In an effort to help more people find our theologically orthodox, pro neighbor content, we’ll be making some tweaks this year. For example, going forward the Holy Post YouTube channel will feature multiple shorter video clips from each podcast episode. These clips will be more sharable and an easier entry point for those who are unfamiliar with The Holy Post. Most people won’t click on a 90 minute YouTube video, but they will click on a 10 minute video featuring a topic or guest they care about. By presenting each episode in shorter, more accessible bits we hope to engage a wider audience.

Unfortunately, we can’t post both the clips and full episodes on YouTube because the site’s algorithms ‘hide’ any repeat content, making it less likely that people will find either one. We know there are some of you who enjoy watching the full show with friends and family, and we’ve researched different ways to keep this option available. Therefore, full episode videos of the podcast will now be directly uploaded to Patreon, and will continue to be available to all Holy Post Plus subscribers.

We wanted to give you a heads up on this change, and explain the heart behind it. 

Thanks as always for being a part of the Holy Post community and for supporting our work. 

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