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Episode 505: Stupid Social Media & Learning to Love While Offended with Albert Tate

In a lengthy article in The Atlantic, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt explains how social media has made our entire society more stupid in the last decade, and compares the disunity it’s causing to the Tower of Babel. Phil, Skye, and Christian discuss the article and what can be done to reverse the trends.

Then, pastor Albert Tate talks about his new book, “How We Love Matters: A Call to Practice Relentless Racial Reconciliation.” By sharing personal stories, Tate says we must learn to live with being offended, commit to community, and love anyway. Plus, teenage gorillas are getting too much screen time.

6:16 - Gorillas, teens, and screen time 13:35 - Stupid social media

“Why the Past 10 Years of American Live Have Been Uniquely Stupid” by Jonathan Haidt -

Unbelievable? The Conference -

Interview with Albert Tate Albert Tate - “How We Love Matters: A Call to Practice Relentless Racial Reconciliation” -

47:51 - Interview intro 49:42 - Committing to community 53:48 - Loving while offended 1:00:07 - When to stay and when to leave 1:04:29 - Generational trauma/injustice and generational privilege 1:18:09 - Hope for the American church 1:24:48 - Credits

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15 comentários

M. Anderson
M. Anderson
26 de abr. de 2022

A more accurate title of the Atlantic article should have been, "How the US Became a Nation of Haters."

The article minimizes the rise in hatred on the Internet in general and social media in particular. It has gone beyond distrusting social institutions to the open call to eliminating the social institution of public education.

While certain features such as Twitter's "retweet" feature and Facebook's "share" feature can be called out as what aides in the amplification, it is user-generated content that is the life blood of these sites. The users (on the left and the right) bare the blame. Facebook's algorithm is harmless if the only content it is working with are motivational quotes, funny memes about growing old,…


23 de abr. de 2022

This is my first time hearing ’Good Monday’. I always thought the Monday after Easter was called ‘Easter Monday‘ all over the English speaking world.


Brendt Waters
Brendt Waters
22 de abr. de 2022

The story regarding the church that fasted from whiteness has gone from interesting to horrifying. They've had to move services to virtual for safety's sake because of the "pushback".


21 de abr. de 2022

Monday after Easter is called Śmingus Dyngus here in Poland Pronounced Shmingus Dingus). People dump water on each other early in the morning, historically boys would beat girls with pussy willows... Thankfully not anymore. You have to read more about it. You just can't make this stuff up:


Michelle Agustin
Michelle Agustin
21 de abr. de 2022

I'm a mom of young ones (3 and 1). I'm torn because on one hand, I fear the added pressures and bullying brought about in the social media age. And when it's time to turn the shows off even in my own house, it's not uncommon for my oldest to not take it well. On the other hand, I am tired. Screen time buys me a minute to do things or eat. And, I had no experience with kids prior to having my own, so if a game can help my child with skills I don't have the time or ability to approach well, I'm ok with that. I'm proud of the system of limits we have in place, but…

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