Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the heroic resistance the Russian troops have encountered raises new questions about patriotism. When is love for our country godly, and when does it unknowingly lead to evil? Plus, a new study tries to define Christian nationalism, explain why Black and White Christian nationalists are so different, and advise how to prevent the heresy from spreading in churches.
Then, David Kinnaman, President of the Barna Group, is back for another “Barna Brief.” His latest research finds over 70 percent of pastors are very concerned about the spread of Christian nationalism, but most aren’t sure what to do about it. And - why measuring church attendance says almost nothing about a church’s spiritual health or effectiveness at making disciples.
News Segment:
0:00 - Intro
4:20 - Ukraine and patriotism
February French Friday episode - https://www.holypost.com/post/french-friday-putin-pentecostals-christian-nationalism
Interview with Robert Tracy McKenzie- https://www.holypost.com/post/episode-495-the-false-gospel-of-democracy-with-robert-tracy-mckenzie
23:50 - Christian nationalism and race
“Christian Nationalism and the January 6, 2021 Insurrection” report - https://bjconline.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Christian_Nationalism_and_the_Jan6_Insurrection-2-9-22.pdf
“Theology Cannot Save Us” article - https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2022/february-web-only/christian-theology-evangelicalism-cannot-save-us.html
“Trayvon Martin’s Murder and the Death of the Evangelical Racial Reconciliation Movement” article - https://jemartisby.substack.com/p/trayvon-martins-murder-and-the-death?utm_source=url&s=r
Sponsor 47:51 - Faithful Counseling faithfulcounseling.com/holypost
Barna Brief with David Kinnaman:
49:44 - Interview start
51:40 - Reception to data on pastors
53:59 - Measuring effectiveness of discipleship
1:14:03 - Pastors’ concerns about Christian nationalism
1:23:40 - End
To learn more about Barna’s initiatives for supporting pastors, go to Barna.com/ResilientPastor
I know this post is a little old, but I am super excited about Barna's project to better measure discipleship. As an aspiring Research Social Psychologist (2 years into my Masters), I have been interested in, and casually working on, just such a thing. I have been working with my connections in Asbury Seminary Kentucky, and through my current school (Regent University) to ask the question, what are the measurable parts of discipleship? I am so excited about this project and just over the moon to hear that Barna is also pursuing this question in a tangible way! It would be my dream to connect with David Kinammon and share the ideas and materials I have come across (especially a mildly…
For more about the Baptist Joint Committee... https://bjconline.org/
I’m an American who has lived in Russia for 16 years. Putin doesn’t care if the west turns off swift and tanks the economy. He doesn’t care about any of these sanctions that are currently being made against Russia. He has an agenda and he is going to do it. He does not care how all of this is going to affect people in his country because he is basically a dictator and doesn’t care who gets hurt as long as his political aims are reached. The only thing that sanctions do is unjustly punish normal everyday Russians. They will lose access to their money. The Russian government may even seize their money located in Russian banks.
Of course…
I appreciated this episode. Christian raised the question, "How does Christian Nationalism distort patriotism?" There's a graphic I saw as I watched the broadcasts of the January insurrection that helps me visualize the distortion. There was a banner being carried that day of a Christian fish filled in with an American flag.
You well aware that, in Christian history, the fish is more that just a cute symbol for car bumpers. It is used for instruction, with the Greek work for fish- ichthus used an acronym standing for "Jesus, Christ, God, Son, Savior."
What happens when we emblazon the flag over that? At that point, we are no longer a "nation under God," as our Pledge states. Instead, we become…
Hey guys, I'm continuing to love the Holy Post for how anti-crazy-making it is and for how often it makes me nose laugh. Thanks for putting so much of yourselves into it.
Also, @Phil, did you know it's #inverteButtWeek? Scientists, illustrators, and podcast hosts are welcome to marvel together at the marine worm Ramisyllis multicaudata's more than 100 butts, debate what even is a butt, and so much more. Sounds like a good use of time to me.