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Episode 423: Is America’s Gun Culture a Blessing or Curse? with David French

The United States now has more guns than people, and while overall violent crime is down the number of mass shootings is set to break a record in 2020 and suicides from guns is rising. How should Christians think about America’s gun culture? David French is back to offer a legal and moral argument for why most attempts at gun control are misguided. He says more legal gun ownership protects freedom, and Skye wonders if a public square filled with guns limits it. And if we can’t reduce the number of guns, what’s the best way to limit gun crime and mass shootings?

Also this week, the Holy Post crew is joined by Kaitlyn Schiess to discuss the legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and what her death means for the presidential election and the future of the Supreme Court. Are the Republicans being hypocrites for filling Ginsburg’s seat weeks before the election when they refused to let Obama nominate a justice 8 months before the election in 2016? And what should we think of the Democrat’s threat to pack the court? Skye warns about dismantling political norms, Kaitlyn says Christians viewing every election as an existential threat is a failure of discipleship, and Phil plays the devil’s advocate by throwing down the abortion card.


Oct 01, 2020

I really enjoyed this interview. Kudos to David French and Skye Jethani for role modeling what it looks like to have a conservation about a controversial issue with respect and humility.

I have a story that I thought of while listening to this episode: I live in a neighborhood with houses that are close together. In the back of the houses we have a path and an open area. The houses create a corridor that reflects sound. For the past two years a neighbor has played video games in a second story room with the window open. He screams, rages, cusses - he sounds completely unhinged. My wife and I have talked about knocking on the door, but w…


Sep 30, 2020

When I was younger, all Republicans discussion surrounding the 2nd Amendment sounded like David French. They always argued for safe, responsible gun ownership. To David's point, I think Skye has to consider whether his perception of the gun threat aligns with the reality of the gun threat. The QAnon crowd have a perception of reality that includes a cabal of Satanist cannibals running the country; that perception probably isn't accurate. I don't know if this helps or hurts my argument but I was at New Life Church the morning of the shooting but I wasn't shot, most of us weren't shot. Most of us were already out of the parking lot when that horrible event happened. But to Skye's …


Sarah Lowe
Sarah Lowe
Sep 29, 2020

Great episode, great interview! Really appreciate you modeling how to be open-minded and willing to listen to (and solicit!) perspectives different than your own on tough and emotionally charged issues. For myself, I grew up in Southern California and have had a family member (grandmother) end their life w/ a firearm, and feel a strong gut-level resistance to "gun culture." I've lived in TX for the past 8 years and have found it hard to adjust to the more pro-gun attitudes here--though, after listening to that episode, I think there's a lot more to that than just the reality of gun ownership being more prevalent.

I'm not sure my mind has been changed in any big ways (yet), but I…


Simeon Wetzel
Simeon Wetzel
Sep 29, 2020

Awesome questions skye. You took it into a great direction. In my opinion guns are build to kill and we a Christians should be pacifists. But of cause this is my personal opinion and I guess there are some situations or jobs that might justify gun use. Great how you pointed out some of the dangers of a wide spread personal use of guns like you habe in the us right now.


Ericka Iverson
Ericka Iverson
Sep 26, 2020

oh i listened to the whole patreon podcast. (doesnt mean i got in every word, adhd and all :P ) i really agree with the red flag thing. i was a little unclear about how it works, but anything we can do to stop/prevent people who are going through some kind of thing should definitely not get their hands on a weapon. yeah that is frustrating to not have across the board protection. i think i do agree with some sort of national agreement on that. but of course, having someone get it for you ... this is the same principle we have problems with kids drinking and smoking - if your older sibling/cousin/friend will just buy it for you, you…

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